Jane Edwina is an Australian actor with extensive experience in film, TV and theatre in the US & Australia
(View Resume & Reels, Gallery & Behind the Scenes for 'a deeper dive'. )

US Management:
Brandon Cohen @
BAC Talent Inc.
0011 1 908 907 1904

Australian Agent:
Marion D. Baird @
The Green Room
+61 2 0440 211 848

It is always a privilege for me to have people from all over the world communicating with me about our shared love..."in a Galaxy (or two!) far far away..." however due to 2025 work commitments it will no longer be possible to attend to STAR WARS & STAR TREK fan mail sent to Australia for the foreseeable future. Always know I deeply appreciate the fans & the love and enthusiasm you all have for my work, but more importantly, these two incredible universes. May the Force be with you💜 💫...always.

It was one of my favorite engagements this year: being invited to be part of this wonderful telethon to raise funds for the STARLIGHT CHILDREN'S FOUNDATION on Saturday 7th December. My session was hosted by lovely members of 501st Legion and their questions sparked wonderful conversations about my work on STAR WARS, STAR TREK and my career. I truly hope it will help with fund raising to make it a beautiful "Holiday of Hope" for many children in need. #501stlegion 🎭💫
#STARWARS @GreatMotherLakesis STAR TREK: Picard 3 @BORGQueen.
In November, I did an interview with Tim Santens for his website 'Tales from the Collection' sharing insights into my work in STAR WARS, STAR TREK, and reflections on my career, key influences and future aspirations. If you have a moment, do visit Tim's site @
Thank you, Tim, it was a most enjoyable interview, and for asking very thought-provoking questions.

Ahsoka wins Creative Arts Emmy for the late costume designer, Shawna Trpcic
[This is an excerpt from DORKSIDEOFTHEFORCE.COM written by Kaki Olsen | Sep 10, Visit the site to see the full article ]
"The Creative Arts Emmy Awards were announced this past weekend. Disney+ original Ahsoka was up for five of the categories ranging from Outstanding Sound Editing for a Comedy or Drama Series (Half-hour) and Animation to Outstanding Period or Fantasy/Sci-Fi Hairstyling. It is no surprise to fans of the series that the award the creative team took home was for Outstanding Fantasy/Sci-Fi Costumes."
The head of the team that won this prize was Shawna Trpcic, sharing the distinction with Elissa Alcala. Trpcic, a California native, studied fashion at the Otis College of Art and Design. She studied with Bob Mackie, the Oscar-nominated costume designer behind The Star Wars Holiday Special. After beginning her career in films in 1990 as an illustrator, she began building her portfolio in costume design. Sci-fi fans should remember her work on the Joss Whedon project Firefly. She also designed the costumes for Whedon's Much Ado About Nothing, The Cabin in the Woods, Dollhouse, and Dr. Horrible's Sing-along Blog.

Scroll down to see my tribute to Ahsoka's brilliant costume designer, Shawna Trpcic.

"Merci Jeremy"
Vive la France
An October 2024 meeting with my Australian Agent, Marion D Baird, to sign the most wonderful and super creative montage photo of 'Lakesis' from STAR WARS: Ahsoka series 1. Massive shout out to Jeremy Bulot Mattesco from France for sending me this exceptionally artistic image to sign. He also manages the Facebook page STAR WARS LES ARCHIVES DE MIRIAL . Such a privilege to be able to do this for the fans of the Star Wars Universe.

While doing a fan signing session in September '24 with my Australian Agent, Marion D Baird, I must send a huge shout out to STAR WARS: Ahsoka and STAR TREK: Picard super-fan, Martin Schreck from Biberach in Germany who sent two fabulous postcards for me to sign - BORG Queen and Lakesis - a double/whammy first for me for sure. Accompanied with a lovely letter. So much gratitude for such generous appreciation of my work on these two incredible series.

One of the really nice things I get to do for my work:
a Sydney session in June '24 with my Australian Agent, Marion D Baird, signing STAR WARS: Ahsoka 'Lakesis' & AHSOKA photos for UK Star Wars fans. Special shout-out to Gareth Sanders UK music teacher & his music & expressive arts students who are inspired to create & play STAR WARS-inspired music for their school work & Gareth's local theatre....stay inspired!!

Independent Filmmaking
~the backbone of the industry~


Set for release on AMAZON and iTunes on June 11, Lost in Tomorrow (formerly TOMORROW) is a feature film I had the good fortune to have been cast in the role of 'Mildred', based on Kellen's grandmother so it was a privilege to breath life into this role.
I loved working with Kellen and the crew were incredible. Independent film making is the backbone of the industry and Lost in Tomorrow exemplifies this truism. So excited for this film to continue it's industry journey to a worldwide audience.

'Mildred', screen shot.
One of my Favorite Jobs....
I'm home in Sydney to helm a stories about humans theatre project and I had a meeting with my Australian Agent, Marion D. Baird, to sign a STAR WARS: Ahsoka 'Lakesis' character photo that a fan sent Marion for me to sign who lives in the Netherlands! ....one of the nicest things I get to do in my job...
"Bedankt Ernst-Jan!"

Independent Filmmaking
~the backbone of the industry~

at days' end...
Released for public viewing a few weeks ago via Vimeo (see link below), PHANTOM VALLEY was a major project of the filmmakers, Nina Kotyantz and Ara Woland of KotyantzWoland Films. Fully funded, produced, written and directed by Nina and Ara, it took a year in post-production, honing and refining the final cut. And being shot on film stock, post-production needed to be done very carefully so as not to waste a frame unnecessarily.
Nina's vision was specific and singular. Her story-board was extensive and richly imbued in sub-text, artful imagery, meaningful cultural significance and rigorous critical analysis.
Like so many independent films, PHANTOM VALLEY began it's industry journey via the international film festival circuit. And scooped a plethora of Laurels, nominations, wins and accolades.
Now that the film is public, I can readily share images of the weeks the cast and crew spent on location deep in the Los Angelos Mountains.
It was a singular joy to create 'Medicine Woman', a finely drawn character on page, deeply poetic and enigmatic, carrying within her eons of wisdom - natural and otherworldly. Yet a woman of the earth too, and earthy, pragmatic and practical.
A delicate balance between realist and surrealist.
anything for the shot
night shoot begins...

the next set-up

the actor talks & the director listens...

During February I did a most enjoyable ZOOM interview with Argentinian Reporter and Influencer, Joaquín Teodoro, about my acting work on STAR WARS: Ahsoka series, and creating the role of 'Lakesis'.
The two-part interview is now live on his YouTube channel - EL Reporte do Hoy - and snippets of the interview are on his Instagram
Part 1
Part 2

"Muchisimas gracias Joaquin y Argentina!"
....very cool STAR TREK: Picard interview with James McKinnon, head make-up artist about BORG Queen evolution of her final 'look' and how they had to 'glue' me into the set .
Click on the link .....https://www.slashfilm.com/1451698/star-trek-picard-jane-edwina-seymour-borg-queen-glued-to-set/
...PS...there are a few inaccuracies about my resume @slashfilm...permit me to add a correction regarding this....I was working in film, TV and theatre in Australia for many years well before 2010. Such regular and varied work in my acting career in Australia gave me the training, grounding, experience and highly developed skill-set required to inhabit and do justice to BORG Queen.
One of the many HR Giger illustrations I found hugely inspirational when James started to create the BORG Queen prosthetics

The key to BORG Queen physicality was to avail myself to the confines of the costume, prosthetics and set applications. Whilst simultaneously allowing for the development of organic spontaneous movement and reactions within those confines. After a while, I didn't feel confined at all: this is how Borg Q has evolved, on every level of her/my ultimate assimilation into the Collective and Borg cube matrix.

Last week, I did a most enjoyable interview with the Portuguese STAR WARS fan blog about my career and work on Ahsoka, which is now live, and I can now share with you.
In both Portuguese and English. Just scroll down to the English version.
"Lovely to speak with you Paulo, obrigado!"

Dressing Room @Lakesis1, home away from home with full costume, undergarments and shoes.

Shawna Trpcic
The cowl and head dress are multi-layered fine organza, dyed to match and fitted to my head/neck/shoulder dimensions. During filming, this part of the costume would become loose and right there on-set, the costume team would repair on the spot in 30seconds...so much love for these people💖
Tribute to an incredible industry professional....
I recently received news about Shawna Trpcic, costume designer for STAR WARS Mandalorian, Boba Fett and Ahsoka. At 56, she died suddenly in early October. She was an Emmy nominated designer who was utterly brilliant, innovative and daring in her costume designs. I had the enormous privilege of working with Shawna as she designed and developed the costume for 'LAKESIS', the role I created for STAR WARS: Ahsoka. It was always a complete thrill to be fitted by Shawna, to discuss her ideas and to be totally inspired by her concepts and stunning costume. We got on like a house on fire, and I am deeply saddened to learn of her death. What a terrible awful loss to our creative community.
Here are a few examples of her work on the 'LAKESIS' costume.

Sensational hand-woven suede and ribbed crepe fabric crafted into half-gauntlets with a thumb anchor so they would not ride up my wrists or arms. The 'herringbone' pattern you see here and the gauntlets are unique to 'Lakesis' costume and was repeated in the tailored bodice of the main garment. Perfection in construction and fit.💖

....work in progress....

Since STAR WARS: Ahsoka has gone to air, many fans have embraced the character I played, Lakesis, and the 3 Great Mothers as a whole. Some of them have sent me wonderful art work inspired by the Great Mothers. Here are a few samples of such art work all of which I have appreciated very much and love the artistic expression and skill in all of them. Enjoy.

Now that series 1 has gone to air I am able to share a few stunning samples of the STAR WARS: Ahsoka art work now being used for multi-platform publicity. A beautiful poster with leading lady Rosario Dawson as 'Ahsoka Tano' and major characters from the Star Wars Universe. Key 'dark force' characters poster with Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Great Mothers, Captain Enoch and Ezra Bridger. And a promotional shot of the character I play, Lachesis, one of 3 Great Mothers and a Dathomirien Witch. Such a brilliant series to work on, and a career highlight and honor to create a character for the STAR WARS Universe.

In June this year I did an interview with Victoria G about my acting work and career which I enjoyed doing. Here's the link to Victoria's Wattpad page for a read : thank you Victoria for asking me to be a part of your creativity 🙏.

Very excited to share these 3 wonderful photos posted by Paramount on my IMDB page of Picard, Jack and BORG Queen...

STAR TREK: Picard final season 3 update
Head prosthetic artist Vincent Van Dyke posted this recently via his Instagram account.
If you love wonderful insights and photos regarding the creation of Borg Queen makeup and design aesthetic for Star Trek: Picard final season 3 which I had the privilege to play, drop by vincdntvandykefx on Instagram...lots of very cool BORG Q. images #love
Now the dust has settled...reflections and some teachable moments...

feature film
Mildred Iverson
Frame of Reference Entertainment
USA 2021

Feature Film
Donna Joyce
Lifetime Channel
VAST Entertainment
USA 2022

Medicine Woman
Woland Kotyantz Films
USA 2018

season 3
Stephani Price
USA 2021

Short Film
Older Susan
Landwirth Legacy Films
USA 2019

Hand Of God
Dr. Janet Marconi
USA 2017

Fortune Defies Death
Stacy Woods
Surround Idea Entertainment
USA 2017
Jane Edwina is also Producer and Artistic Director of stories about humans,
a theatre company producing and directing projects for the stage in the US and Australia.